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National Fees



The Entry Fee to secure your At-Large Title for each respective system for the 2025 year is $700. This fee includes: Your choice of State/Regional/ OR Country Title*, Official State Crown, Official Custom Rhinestone Sash, and welcome State Queen's box. $150 Deposit must be paid to secure your 2024/25 title and spot in the International Pageants.


The $700 Entry Fee covers the following:

- Registration into all Required Competitions

- Tickets/Meals to all pageant weekend events

-Andrettis', Homecoming Ball and Awards Luncheon

- Contestant Swag Bag at Registration

- Official 2024/25 National Tee Shirt

- Official State Crown 

- Official State Tee Shirt

- Official State Sash

- Community Service Tee Shirt


*All titles will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. All titles must be approved by the National Office. 


$700 National Entry Fee

$150 Deposit Fee ($550 Balance remaining.)

*No other hidden fees. No mandatory Ad sales. 


It is very important that you pay fees on time, as this will keep your chosen title secure.

You must contact the National office to request an invoice for your payments. Payments may be broken up in your desired amount until the full fee is paid. 

We always detail the invoice out to showcase your remaining balance. Invoices will be sent via PayPal.


It is very important that you pay your fees by the deadline of April 5th, 2025. We can not extend this!



By electronically/digitally submitting the entry form below, I acknowledge that I have read all of the rules and regulations regarding the Pageants "R" Us Productions, including all applicable deadlines, competition information, judging criteria, prizes and fees required.

I understand that all fees paid to the Pageants "R" Us Productions are NOT REFUNDABLE and   in full or in part under any circumstances. This includes, but is not limited to entry fees, advertising fees, prizes, state crown and sash and any other fees paid to Pageants "R" Us Productions by anyone including, but not limited to, contestants, sponsors and advertisers.

I understand that the final deadline for payment of all balances, fees, advertisements and meals is April 5, 2025. The final deadline for all optionals is May 1, 2025. ANY unpaid fees or missing documents/photos/videos after that date will be docked points from my score.

I agree to forever hold the Pageants "R" Us Productions, its directors, employees, volunteers and staff members harmless of any and all claims and damages or liabilities due to theft, accident, loss or injury during or resulting from my child/my participation in the Pageants "R" Us Productions or any Preliminary/State/Regional Program or activity/event.

I give permission to the Pageants "R" Us Productions to forever use my/the entrant's photographs, speeches, testimonials, videos, etc. for publicity purposes and future material without compensation.

I am aware that should I win the 2025 National Pageant, I will be required to sign a non-compete contract agreeing not to compete or participate in any other pageant(s) and/or represent any other pageant titles within the first 9 months of my reign. 

I am aware that by not abiding by these rules, I may risk disqualification from the pageant without refund.


Purchase a program book ad for your contestant or for your business, 

Please submit your ads PRINT READY. Email the ads to in PDF format or JPG format. Send ad pages in color.

Make sure there is at least 1/4" around all edges to allow for printer trimming.

The contestant with the most ad sales over $500 will win our Entrepreneur Award and receive 10% cash prize of her earnings.

Ads may be purchased by family, friends, businesses, churches, organizations, etc.


It is NOT required that sell advertising ads to participate in the pageant. This is an optional contest. However, you can use the sale of your ads to offset the cost of your entry fee. 

If purchasing an AD for a contestant, please be sure to insert the contestant's name with the size of the ad you would like to purchase.


Email the National office at: 

and we will then send you a Paypal invoice for the AD amount. 

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