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FAQ/ Payments

What are your age requirements?

We are a National Pageant for girls ages 18 and up for each system.

Why Pageants "R" Us Productions?

We wan to help you grow your confidence, teach you life-long skills such as interviewing, public speaking and presenting yourself in front of an audience and showing you your inner light. We want to help you expand your platform and reach a wider connection in your community, your state and your country.

How can I secure Sponsors?

The best place to begin is where your family does business. Great examples are Salons, Cleaners, Insurance Companies, Banks, Doctors, Dentists, local stores and businesses, etc. Call ahead to make an appointment and dress in a professional outfit when you visit them. Visiting potential sponsors is also great practice for your interview. Most sponsors will want to ask you questions about the pageant. Sponsors will receive recognition in our program book and website and any contributions made towards your sponsor fee from a business is tax deductible for them!

Do you need experience to participate?

You do not need experience to participate.  Anyone can compete and benefit from the experience and win!

Is Interview a panel or round robin style?

Interview at Nationals is panel style for all systems.

For Interview, is there a Resume or "All About Me" sheet?

There will be a Judge's Bio sheet that you fill out where judges will form their questions. There will be no religious or political questions unless you have it on your bio sheet. 

What are the requirements for the International division?

Contestants can represent their country they currently reside in or their families heritage. They can be single, married, widowed or divorced.

Are there costs associated with competing at the National Pageant?

Yes, each contestant is responsible for paying their entry fees. The entry fee covers the contestant's participation in the pageant,  ALL meals during pageant week, as well as the contestant's official sash and crown, state Queen's box, a ticket to the All White Awards dinner or luncheon, and all pageant-related activities. The Entry Fee is $600 and hotel accommodations should be directly paid to the host hotel under the pageant's booking code. 

Does the pageant cover my transportation to Nationals?

No, each contestant is responsible for their transportation to and from the Pageant. You are also responsible for obtaining a visa and passport to travel internationally and in to the host country.

If I choose not to enter Optional Contests, will it affect my chances of winning the overall pageant?

Absolutely not! Scores from the optional contests (Talent, Photogenic, Spokesmodel, etc.) have no effect on the outcome of the overall pageant. Each optional contest is an opportunity for you to shine and be recognized in your area of interest.

Do I have to sell advertising to enter?

No, selling advertising is not required. You will be given the opportunity if you wish to sell ads to receive special prizes or awards. This is a great opportunity for you to gain recognition in your community, make sure your hometown and community are recognized in our program book. You will receive information that explains the price of the program booklet advertising and all of the prizes and awards that are available.

Is Pageants "R" Us a glitz system?

We are NOT a glitz pageant, although we do love the bling! We are looking for ladies that are well put together, well spoken, confident and naturally themselves. 

How much does it cost? 

Entry fee for all systems is $600. You must pay a $150 deposit to hold your State/Regional or International title. Once you have paid half ($300), you will receive your State Queen's Box and the rest of the fees are due by deadline date. There are no hidden fees. Optionals are paid separately and there are no AD requirements. The entry fee pays for the cost of producing the pageant: awards, trophies, lighting, sound, staging, judges’ expenses, staff, florists, hotel ballroom rental, cash awards, printed materials, office support and all of the many other things that go together to make our program the best it can be for you and your family. You may have as many or as few sponsors as you wish contributing to make up your total sponsor fee of $600. Businesses, family, friends, or fundraising activities are all great ideas for raising your sponsor fee. Without exception, sponsor fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Remember, sponsor contributions can cover any pageant related costs, such as: Sponsor Fee, Production Number Outfit, Final Show Tickets, Optional Contests, Hotel Room, Roses, and more. So don’t stop at $600! Each contestant MUST email the National office to request the amount they wish to pay so an invoice may be generated for you.

Does Pageants "R" Us have a non-compete clause?

We do not give permission to compete in any pageant that will inhibit a crowned state delegate to represent their title at the National Finals or complete their reign as a state/regional Queen. National Queens are not allowed to compete while still under contract. If breached, you will be dethroned and must return regalia to the National office. 



By electronically/digitally submitting the entry form below, I acknowledge that I have read all of the rules and regulations regarding the Imperial Nations pageant, including all applicable deadlines, competition information, judging criteria, prizes and fees required.

I understand that all fees paid to the Pageants "R" Us Productions are NOT REFUNDABLE and NOT TRANSFERABLE in full or in part under any circumstances. This includes, but is not limited to entry fees, advertising fees, prizes, state crown and sash and any other fees paid to Pageants "R" Us Productions by anyone including, but not limited to, contestants, sponsors, family  or friends and advertisers.

I understand that the final deadline for payment of all balances, fees, advertisements and meals is April 1, 2024. The final deadline for all optionals is May 1, 2024. ANY unpaid fees or missing documents/photos/videos after that date will be docked points from my score.

I agree to forever hold the Pageants "R" Us Productions, its directors, employees, volunteers and staff members harmless of any and all claims and damages or liabilities due to theft, accident, loss or injury during or resulting from my child/my participation in the Pageants "R" Us Productions or any Preliminary/State/Regional Program or activity/event.

I give permission to the Pageants "R" Us Productions to forever use my/the entrant's photographs, speeches, testimonials, videos, etc. for publicity purposes and future material without compensation.

I am aware that should I win the 2024 National Pageant, I will be required to sign a non-compete contract agreeing not to compete or participate in any other pageant(s) and/or represent any other pageant titles within the first 9 months of my reign. 

I am aware that by not abiding by these rules, I may risk disqualification from the pageant without refund.


Purchase a program book ad for your contestant or for your business, 

Please submit your ads PRINT READY. Email the ads to in PDF format or JPG format. Send ad pages in color.

Make sure there is at least 1/4" around all edges to allow for printer trimming.



The contestant with the most ad sales over $500 will win our Entrepreneur Award and receive 10% cash prize of her earnings.

Ads may be purchased by family, friends, businesses, churches, organizations, etc.


It is NOT required that sell advertising ads to participate in the pageant. This is an optional contest. However, you can use the sale of your ads to offset the cost of your entry fee. 


Copy of 2020 Handbook.webp

*If purchasing an add for a contestant, please be sure to insert the contestant's name with payment or email the National office at:*

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